Katie Jones
Careers and Employment Engagement Officer
Dover Technical College
I have worked at Dover Technical College for nine years, in that time my role as a Careers Advisor has evolved and I now have marketing responsibilities in addition to my Careers Officer role.
The diversity of duties in my role, along with the scope to make the role my own, is what first attracted me to working at the College and continues to drive me to provide a comprehensive careers service that offers the students what they want and need.
I was supported by the group, specifically my manager, to study and complete my Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development this year which has been of a huge benefit to my role.
In my time working for the EKC Group I was fortunate to be selected to complete a ‘Step Up’ training programme for staff who have the aspiration to progress onto a management role.
This investment in staff is across all the Colleges and I would say is one of the key benefits of working for the Group.